Aircraft Acquisition
Concentric Aviation will provide you with seasoned and market-driven aircraft acquisition representation. With years of experience in the turbine aircraft market, we will find you the aircraft that best fits your mission requirements, and then negotiate the best financial outcome for you. Let us “lift” the weight of the acquisition process for you!

Aircraft Brokerage
Deciding to sell your aircraft is an important decision, and so is selecting experienced representation to handle your transaction. Concentric Aviation will analyze your aircraft and its records, determine the best market positioning strategy, aggressively pursue buyers through a comprehensive media campaign and extensive contact network, and represent your interests throughout the transaction. We will also recommend experienced and reputable legal and tax experts to help you structure the transaction for optimal results based on your situation.

Aircraft Appraisals
Knowing the value of your aircraft is important in today’s uncertain economic climate, where values change quickly for certain aircraft models, or even entire segments of the market. Concentric Aviation’s founder is accredited by the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the Professional Aircraft Appraisal Organization (PAAO), and will provide comprehensive appraisal services conforming to the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

Aircraft Delivery Oversight
The process of ordering and taking delivery of a new aircraft can be lengthy, and includes determining your desired specifications, equipment, and furnishings. Once your aircraft nears completion, activities accelerate and the process shifts to technical in nature. Quality fit/finish inspections, inventories, test flights, and acceptance activities dominate the final days. Concentric Aviation will be your “eyes and ears” during this critical phase, and handle all the details for you. Let us simplify the process for you, and enable you to enjoy taking possession of your new airplane!

Completion & Refurbishment Oversight
Outfitting a new aircraft, or refurbishing an existing aircraft, is an extensive undertaking. There are numerous selections and decisions to be made, decision milestones throughout the process, and unexpected circumstances that arise in any project. Let the experts at Concentric Aviation handle all of the project and technical aspects for you, while you remain free to enjoy selecting paint colors, leather and fabric, carpets, cabinetry, and today’s myriad multi-media options. Your aircraft will be delivered to you turn-key, with none of the hassles!

Comprehensive Travel Needs Analysis
There is no single travel option that fits every Client, and determining the right solution(s) for you involves a detailed analysis of your travel patterns, destinations, passenger loads, baggage requirements, and budgetary considerations. Once we complete the analysis, Concentric Aviation can walk you through the various available options, to include whole or fractional ownership, jet cards, membership programs, and traditional charter, or even a combination of solutions.

Flight Department Start-Up Strategies
Making the decision to purchase an aircraft is just the beginning. You now need to consider where the aircraft will be based, who will fly and maintain it, and what type of flight department structure is right for you. Let Concentric Aviation leverage its 42 years experience operating and maintaining turbine aircraft to assist you! We can negotiate hangar and fuel pricing, obtain insurance quotes, and advise on flight crew and/or maintenance personnel hiring. Our goal is to make the very first flight in your new aircraft a seamless process!

Heavy Maintenance Project Oversight
Heavy maintenance events can be daunting and technically challenging for the layperson, but it need not be an intimidating experience. Concentric Aviation will provide the technical expertise to ensure the project goes smoothly, while ensuring your financial and scheduling interests are met. We will gather quotations from select vendors, analyze all aspects of the project work scope, and recommend vendor selection based on qualitative and quantitative criteria. Additional services include on-site progress visits, discrepancy review and approval, and final invoice review and negotiation.

Pre-Purchase Evaluation Oversight
Prior to completing any aircraft acquisition, it is imperative you perform a thorough pre-purchase evaluation to ascertain the exact condition of the aircraft and its maintenance documentation. Concentric Aviation will review a potential aircraft’s operating and maintenance history, determine current maintenance status, and recommend the type and depth of pre-purchase evaluation work scope based on those criteria. We will also oversee the project on your behalf, review discrepancy findings and technical determinations, and recommend a go-forward position and negotiating strategy.